Well I havn't written or posted anything for a while. many apologies.
And today is deffinately a blah day. My grandma passed away on saturday and it takes me a while to just process what happened. Well today seemed to be the tip of the ice burg. I started a new job for Peace Country Health and wanted to be casual. Yes I told them that. So the lady gave me some of my shifts and I was happy with that. I said I would do a few 6-10 pm shifts so that my orientation would go alot faster. Anyways, today I called them to tell them I will need next weekend off for my grandmas funeral (she is being cremated) so it can be whenever tha family wants. Well our family chose next weekend! Oh well telling the office was like... well I'm angry right now so I will leave me choice words out, BUT wow they sure showed me there true colors. They are being very difficult and ornery and could care less about my grandma. Maybe I am exagerating but boy it was sure a ring around the rosy telling them that YES my grandma had passed away and YES it was next weekend and YES I did need the time off. Than the lady was telling me that she had booked me for all the days I wanted off. Well, that was the first I had heard of that. Let's just say I started crying and became emotional and now I cannot stop crying because my emotions have hit. And hard too.
Wow, sorry, I am sure many of you do not really care but I felt like I needed to write it down. Has anyone else ever been treated awful at work? Right now I deffinately feel alone and really upset. I even ended up calling them and telling them that I would not lie to them and that I had told them what shifts I had wanted and they need to stick to that or I would not be able to work for them. Ok, so that was one of the hardest things I would ever do in my entire life. I hate confrontation, and being assertive. Hurting people or making them mad is not something I enjoy doing!
So Jeremy, Celia and I are off to my grandmas funeral next week. We leave wednesday and come home monday. I have mixed feelings and was trying to control my emotion, but I deffinately messed that up, my emotion got the better of me, and here I am balling!!
Well I hope and pray you are all doing alot better than I am right now, God bless you all.