Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Baby numereux deux!!!

Ok, I am preggers again. And having mixed feelings!! I am one month and a bit and will be due June 3. My birthday.
I'm feeling alright, a bit nauseasted throughout the day but other than that ok. Been craving Reeses bars like no other.
Celia will be such a good big sister and will love her brother or sister, since she calls everyone baby already, and gives kisses.
She is such a little card.
Well hope everyone else is well.
God bless!


Laura said...

Congrats!! Super excited for you guys!

{ as we know it } said...

Yay! June will be a perfect time to have you baby ... you won't be into the heat of summer! Congrats ... that's so exciting!

{ as we know it } said...

Oh yah, I was going to say that our baby is due like 2 days after my birthday too ... crazy how that works!

Brad and Sarah Rempel said...

Congrats!! How far about will the two be? That's very exciting Linds....are you going to find out what sex it is?

that's us... said...

congratulation lindsay and jeremy!!! (and big sis celia!) hope you getting feeling better quickly-enjoy the reeces!

we'll be in gp on the 11/12...hope you're around then and we can get together!!

Pauline McKone said...

I was just thinking that i haven't checked anyone's blog probably since facebook popularity exploded, and then i thought, wouldn't it be funny if lindsay was pregnant again. That might be posted on her blog. And then low and behold, there was this big announcement! Congrats! That's exciting! Are you guys all moved in? Did you find some renters?

free art is good art said...

awesome linds! i'm happy for you guys. have you picked out names yet?