I don't know if anyone even checks my blog anymore, but I think I need to start updating it more often. So I thought I would start today. It's saturday and Jeremy has to work, well he decided to since we need the money lately.
Everything has been pretty normal lately except that unexpected bills come up far too often. So we deal and move on. Grrr... it seems as if we get two steps ahead and than right away fall three steps backwards.
Well anyways, Celia is growing up and she is just such a little sweetheart. She prays to Jesus now and it is just the sweetest thing ever. She already has a heart for him and a passion for people. I thank God for her everyday, because God has taught me so much though her. It's funny, I thought I was supposed to teach her about God, and I do, but she has taught me so much too. Wow.
Well here are some recent pics of her and very soon there will be a baby brother in the pics too.
yeah for baby brother pics! can't wait! celia is adorable, and growing so much. I"m sure she'll be a great "big sister" to her little noah. Gotta love those boogers in the mouth..lol
oh my, she has the cutest hair! i wish we could have playdates. are you guys in sexsmith? maybe we'll be up that way soon to visit the family. hopefully! love you guys! when are you due?
i love how you put it: our plan as parents it to teach our kids about God, but we have no idea how much they in fact teach us about Him! celia is a little darling (booger eater!) and will be the sweetest big sister. hope you're all doing well. life can definately get busy and complicated being parents and home owners and just living life...thankfully God is ALWAYS so GOOD!
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